The control function is managed by the software, which can produce a PWM signal, collect and process the analog signals, troubleshoot, perform man-machine conversation, set up parameters and select the running mode. 软件部分用于实现控制功能,能够实现PWM信号的产生、模拟信号的采集与处理、故障处理、人机界面通讯和参数设定的处理以及运行模式的选择。
The massive artificial statistics, computation, scheduling, writing data and analytic work will be instead only by typing originality data into computer with man-machine conversation mode, it advances working efficiency. 大量的人工统计、计算、制表、填数以及分析等工作将简化为只需将原始数据键入计算机的人机对话工作方式,大幅度提高工作效率。